Campaign Co-Pilot

The Campaign Co-Pilot lets you:

Our inventory includes more than 800 networks at your fingertips (similar to other self serve DSP’s with a few additional medium-size exchanges and publishers). The real benefit of the co-pilot is workflow efficiency.

Large budgets have already been spent to create whitelists. This means you will buy only the highest quality placements.

Reporting with Automatic Pivot-tables

CPA's are automatically calculated on yesterday's performance. Analytics on the APNX console is essentially CSV-only, which is why we built our stats UI & automatic pivot-tables. "CPA-buckets" are generated per: placement or domain, creative, creative size, Carrier, Seller/Network/Exchange.

In the blink of an eye you can see CPA’s, P/L, or for video fill-rate Using our Rule-based optimiser and ad-start API ensures your CPM bids are automatically updated and the campaign is kept profitable.