RTBcat enjoys direct integrations with the largest suppliers of inventory, Google AdX, AOL, Microsoft, among many others.
Our proprietary bidder provides:
We have dubbed this a "cognitive bidder", because of its use of both supervised and un-supervised ML and target at an individual cookie-level.
You can choose from using our deep-learning & neural nets, or bring-your-own (and keep your data in-house).
The usual trade-off between accuracy & speed in ML is significantly improved in this next-generation of bidders. Because our tech has much a leaner set-up, we are able to process much more data in real-time. It's not always essential, but when it is, it can make a big difference to performance and efficiency.
Click here to enquire about OpenRTB integration.
Custom-built neural networks designed to solve campaign management problems.
Ever felt like your brain just couldn't handle all the potential pivots that a campaign could or should do?
Ever felt bad about the missed opportunities that you see in your excel?
If only you had more hands, and infinite time to build individual day-parting campaigns, Carrier-specific campaigns, banner-specific campaigns...?
And all the while collect all of this data on individual impressions and visitors - to then accurately (re-)target?
That is what our a.i. gives you.
You can now deploy a "mind" that gives you the ability to "be everywhere" and "optimise everything". This is an extremely powerful a.i that gives the experienced campaign manager hundreds of 'sub-brains'.
Need to keep your data secure, private and in-house? Use our ai on top of your on-premise CRM/1st party data.
Click here to enquire about our ai solutions
The Co-Pilot is a self-serve DSP that lets you:
As with any AppNexus seat we can offer the full range of traffic which is comprised of more than 800 networks at your finger-tips with the following benefits:
You can optionally use our whitelists to ensure you buy only the highest quality placements (free for all account-types).
CPAs are automatically calculated on yesterday's perfomance. Analytics is not great on the APNX console, that's why we built our stats UI & automatic pivot-tables. "CPA-buckets" are generated per: placement/domain, creative, creative size, Carrier, Seller/network/Exchange.
Keep your data in-house and apply your own algorithm(s).
Do you have your own CRM/DMP data? Our API gives you the ability to target across all the major exchanges. Use simple decision-trees, random forrests or create a sophisticated layered approach using "Monte Carlo simulation" and dynamically vary your bids. Our infrastructure is purpose-built for exactly that. Use of our historical data to filter out low-quality placements is free.
Create customer-journeys using our "story-board" solution: target individuals and speak to their step in a funnel. Rather than retargeting cookies using the same creative - sequentially show a "story" of messages, with specific creatives as they go through your awareness funnel. Additionally, for even more personalised messaging: integrate your own CRM data (available on selected Exchanges).
Our own bidder is a best-in-class solution for Enterprise clients looking to significantly reduce cost and increase efficiency on large budgets.
Typical use-cases include:
Custom built on top of the AppNexus API - our fill-rate optimiser monitors the CPM vs the fill-rate for in-banner video. Set your payout rate and watch the optimiser automatically win bids based on the fill-rate vs the payout. Create your own rules with params such as: Fill-rate, CPM, GEO, Payout.
All the above display suppliers are available Programmatically. Use our white-list of placements to cut costs and decrease time-to-profitability. Contact us for an updated list of suppliers available via direct OpenRTB integration.
In-banner JS for selected clients only, VAST available to all.
Audio inventory and specifications.
Taboola is available programmatically, eg: for retargeting. TripleLift and GumGum also have custom sizes. Leboncoin and Ligatus are the main EU native networks.
Crown House
37 High Street
East Grinstead,
West Sussex
RH19 3AF
+44 01273 906 777
75 West Street
East Grinstead,
West Sussex
RH19 4EL
+44 01273 906 777
Oudaan 32
2000 Antwerpen
bel [AT] rtb.cat
Shefa Tal 10
Tel Aviv
tlv [AT] rtb.cat
Kaløvej 5
cph [AT] rtb.cat
200 Pitt Street
oz [AT] rtb.cat
We are 1 head of client relations/owner, 8 developers, 1 book-keeper and 1 office manager. Our services revolve around AdOps, OpenRTB integration, access to the ad exchanges and negotiating dealID's. Since June 2004 we have provided absolutely Premium inventory, with some highly exclusive publishers. Our long-term relationships with publishers ensure your media-buys have a much better chance of performing as intended.
External Viewpoint Consulting Ltd. t/a RTBcat, Crown House, 37 High Street, East Grinstead, W. Sussex RH19 3EL, UK Companies House registration No. 5157013.
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